If you are a parent of a child who has ASD, you know that it can be an incredibly challenging journey
ASD has several categories*; Viz Rett Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, and CDD (Child Hood Degenerative Disorder)/PDD in general. Each syndrome will have specific intellectual, behavioral, physical, and social symptoms (pls. see details on ASD syndromes).
Generally, ASD is reflected in a child through disruptive behavioral responses, speech problems, poor eye contact, repeating what is said, unaware of the environment, going into own shell, wandering thoughts, talking or laughing alone, being unmindful, disorganized, moving fingers, gross or fine motor system sensitivity to water and touch, anxiety, shyness, averting company, short of memory, and partial or total learning disabilities.
Some or all of these yields an ASD child’s overall inability to function as a typical child. Symptoms appear in ASD children, generally within the ages of 12-36 months. To know more about the categories of ASD and their characteristics, please visit the next sections.
Below, 25 symptoms are pointed out. The list is not an exhaustive one! Some or all of these yields an ASD child’s overall inability to function as a typical child. Symptoms appear in ASD children, generally within the ages of 12-36 months. (A few/most of the symptoms and their intensities will help determine a child’s complexities, severity, and scale in the Autism spectrum).
What do we aim for with our natural and alternative treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but many families find that natural and alternative treatments can be helpful in managing symptoms. Some common goals of natural and alternative treatments include reducing anxiety, improving communication skills, and promoting social interaction. While there is no permanent cure for ASD, these treatments can help improve the quality of life for those affected by the condition.
Implement and sustain improvements in ASD children by proven alternative and natural methods across communities, regions, and nations!
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