Boy YAN_F – Improvement/Recovery story
NSFA REF: 0025_GP_NY_2017
Key statement from Parent: “My boy has got rid of echolalia, he asks questions clearly and have more words, and composite sentences” ….
The PDD characteristics of Boy YAN_F
Boy YAN_F was residing in New York, with his parents and one elder sibling. Boy YAN_F was 10.5 years old.The parents came in touch with NSFA consultant in the summer of 2017 while he was visiting NY. Another parent who is receiving treatment for his son in NY, introduced the NSFA Consultant to them.
The Boy YAN_F had PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) holding following features.
- Confused speech (unclear vocabulary)
- Lots of Echolalia
- No social communication
- Could not communicate in a sentence
- No numeracy
- Cannot spell words
- Poor eye contact
- Was not focussed at classes and group works
- Getting speech therapy but not productive
NSFA consultant as usual explained the treatment process and made it sure that the parents understand the process, struggle, and maintenance of continuity of treatment. The parents agreed to undertake treatment.
After couple of interviews with the parents and observing the Boy YAN_F a constitutional spectrum was structured. An administration plan was developed. It was stated that the child will require several years (at least 2.0 years) to get to an optimum level of recovery through NSFA treatments. This boy was over 5 years of age! The parents were in the agreement.
Boy YAN_F began to recover miraculously within 4th month of the treatment.
Significant development features were:
- Planned detoxification was completed successfully. The boy did not regress backwards, advanced as per target.
- Vocal functions got better with in 6 months with increasing no of words
- The Boy YAN_F started giving 3/4-word composite sentences
- Took instruction from teachers, therapist and parents
- Gave much better in attention and kept eye contact more
- Social skills improvement trend was noticed
- Parents worked closely with school and program, Bay boy IAB_F acted positively.
- Echolalia reduced to 80% by 12 Months of treatments.
- Started to be creative (18 months)
Conclusions: Boy YAN_F progressed in terms of echolalia, vocabulary, Instruction taking, Eye contact, and furthered common-sense intelligent behaviour. He has improved significantly. He is one of the Star boys of NAFA Global Inc.
NSFA thanks the Dad for giving the opportunity to treat Boy YAN_F.
This parent communicated that the boy has made substantial progress at 18th Month of the treatment.