The ASD characteristics of Baby Boy IR-Q

Baby Boy IR-Q

NSFA REF: GP_0027/NY2017

The ASD characteristics of Baby Boy IR-Q

Baby Boy IR-Q was residing in Buffalo, New York, with his parents and one younger siblings. The youngers sibling was also diagnosed as ASD child. Baby Boy IR-Q was about 4.2 years old. The parents came in touch with NSFA consultant in the summer of 2018.

The Baby Boy IR-Q had ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) holding following features.

Baby Boy IR-Q

  • Speech delay (Cannot connect word to object)
  • Poor eye contact
  • Cannot connect the big facts
  • Cannot comprehend the mathematical addition (he started doing so with calculator)
  • Cannot spell (he can do a few)
  • Poor social skills
  • No number senses
  • Was not focussed at school-tasks, home works, and also in games

NSFA consultant explained the treatment process and made it sure that the parents understand the process, struggle, and maintenance of continuity of treatment. The parents agreed to undertake a long-term treatment process.


After couple of interviews with the parents and observing Baby Boy IR-Q, a constitutional treatment plan was structured. It was stated that the child will require 5 cycles (at least 2.5 years) to get to an optimum level of recovery through NSFA treatments.

The parents agreed.


Baby Boy IR-Q began to recover within 6th month of the treatment.

Significant development features were:

  • Detoxification worked well
  • Eye contact came better with treatment
  • Baby Boy IR-B started giving 2/3-word sentences
  • Took clear instructions from NSFA consultant by 18 Months, as he was visited by NSFA consultant.
  • School send positive reports and asked to send them to a different enhanced school
  • Baby Boy IR-B became more social, naughty, and joined games with pees and siblings.
  • Baby Boy IR-B became cleverer, as he was questioned on tricky issues

ConclusionsBaby Boy IR-Q progressed in terms of social involvement, Instruction taking, eye contact, and he captured common-sense intelligent behaviour. He has improved significantly. In certain areas, parents reported that they are satisfied. The treatment process continued for 5 cycles.

NSFA thanks the Dad for giving the opportunity to treat Baby Boy IR-Q

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In NSFA, We Believe That Modern Medical Science Shall Bring Out The Breakthrough One Day. Our mission is to educate people, spread awareness about ASD, and treat children with our scientific research-based Homeopathic methodologies.

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