The ASD characteristics of Baby boy JO_M

Baby boy JO_M

NSFA REF: GP_ 2010_0004

Toronto, Canada

Key words from the Mom: “Remedies of the NSFA Consultant’s worked miraculously well! My boy who was not able to fly to come to Saskatoon to see the NSFA Consultant, he exhibited super-hyper behaviours, irritated badly, crews warned that if he does not calm down-he will be sent back!! The returned home without any trouble, did not bother the me or the crews! My boy started to recover from his Autism…”

The ASD characteristics of Baby boy JO_M

Baby boy JO_M was living in Toronto, Canada in the same neighbourhood where the NSFA Consultant was residing. The Baby boy was marked by the consultant in a close family gathering in 2009. But, the Mom or dad were not at all concerned. The NSFA consultant did not point out the fact that the boy has ASD, as it is a personal and family issue. He felt guilty about it. However, finally he was relieved!

NSFA consultant left Toronto and started practicing from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (Within family and friends). Meantime a family friend mentioned to the Mom of Baby boy JO_M, that they should get in touch with the NSFA Consultant as he is helping families and friends in the context.

The parents came in contact with NSFA consultant in 2012. Mom flew to Saskatchewan with the Baby boy JO_M to receive treatment and consultation.

Baby boy JO_M was at his 4 – years and 6 – months at that time. Had severe PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) features.

Baby boy JO_M was,

  • Hyperactive, irritated, Mom and the boy were not able to on-board the aircraft, the crew warned the mom, finally he slept before the flight took off and the mom could fly and come to Saskatoon successfully
  • Very poor eye contact.
  • No comprehensible words.
  • Could not chew food, he just swallowed mom’s prepared pasted food for the boy
  • Weak locomotor capabilities
  • He drew on the walls with black pencil, pencil gripping was not good.
  • No common senses.
  • Very little imitating capabilities or number sense.

NSFA consultant explained the treatment process and made it sure that the parents understand the process, struggle, and continuity. The Baby boy stayed 3 days in Saskatoon and returned back with treatment. As soon as she returned home, she called, and said that remedies of the NSFA Consultant’s worked. The boy who was not able to fly to come to Saskatoon, returned without any trouble, did not bother the mom or the crews anymore in his return flight.


Observing the Baby boy GO_T, and interviewing the Mom and Dad, a constitutional plan was structured for her. An administration plan was developed. NSFA consultant predicted that if everything goes well, Baby boy JO_M will recover FAST.


Baby boy JO_M began to recover within 3rd month of the treatment.

Significant development features were:

  • Detoxification (First Three months began at the first day of treatment) worked
  • Flying difficulties and irritations went away
  • Eye contact improved significantly
  • Eating habit came better, Baby boy GO_T started chewing
  • Vocal functions started becoming active
  • The Baby started giving 2-word sentences (8th Month)
  • Took clear instructions from Dad and Mom
  • Sat steady in a Sofa as asked
  • Started swimming with dad
  • Became much socially involved

ConclusionsBaby boy GO_T progressed in terms of vocabulary, Instruction taking, Eye contact, and captured some common sense and intelligent behaviour FAST. He is a STAR boy who recovered within a year to 14 months treatment.

NSFA Consultants thanked the Mom and Dad for giving the opportunity to treat Baby boy JO_M.

A communication note from the parent is provided below.

Parental References/ communication (emails) and Developmental communication form/ Milestones:

NSFA Statement: The Parents of this Baby boy has provided us a reference, which is NOT copied here (due to ethical reasons). Readers are requested to study the case. We are publishing a progress report below which was sent to us. Thanks for the understanding.

Milestones Image

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In NSFA, We Believe That Modern Medical Science Shall Bring Out The Breakthrough One Day. Our mission is to educate people, spread awareness about ASD, and treat children with our scientific research-based Homeopathic methodologies.

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