The ASD characteristics of Boy AN-UL



Boy AN_UL is a 9+ years old boy with severe autistic symptoms. The parents were engaged with various therapies and support programs. Nothing much have been achieved. The symptoms included “no or zero cognitive reflections”, could not talk, no interactive expressions, only 4/5 single words, isolated behaviours, takes out cloths from body, touches limbs, lacked common senses, and very poor eye contacts.

The parents came in contact with Mr. Jahangir and NSFA through a NY News Paper’s awareness article on Autism. This was an extremely complicated case. The boy did cross 5 year’s of age. Autism Consultant clearly explained the parents the difficulties, long time involvement and painstaking engagements will be necessary for improvement. And, even then, only partial improvement will be there. The parents committed for a long-term involvement and join the long term treatment and support work for their child.

The case was taken in February 2020. Long interaction and study were conducted by Mr. Jahangir. Parents cooperated fully. The Homeopathic and alternative treatment started and in one year’s treatment the parents observed the following development. Parents were told that cognitive sense and intelligence are prior to child giving words.

Updates by Parents: 18 FEB 2022

Base level (BL) estimate was done by Parents and NSFA Consultants jointly in comparison with a neuro-typical child of same age. Improvement Status were assessed by the parents independently. Parents also provided a 3 pages descriptive improvement reports.

ASD symptomsBL statusIS Status after 1 year of treatment
Vocabulary1% (only single words)5% (Giving up to 5 words sentence)
Cognitive intelligence5%40% (The child is giving clear understanding of instructions, reacting to calls, giving 10/10 responses to calls)
Eye contact0%40% Responds to 10 times to 10 calls. Still voluntary eye contact is awaited
Instruction taking0%50% (Acts to instructions properly)
Imitation coping0%30%
Pencil gripping0%30%

Parent’s Note: We are working as per guidance and directions provided by NSFA Global Inc. and Mr. Jahangir. We are happy with little-by-little developments that is happening to our Boy.

NSFA Global Inc. was very direct and clear while accepting our child at this age of 9+. Now he is 10+. We agreed to accept minimum development and support our boy with maximum efforts.

Our child is moving toward normalcy. He has improved a lot in all the parameters as targeted. Although he has not many words, but we have a feeling that his words are coming. Our Boy has become more intelligent and getting out of his bad habit of touching.

We are thankful to NSFA Global Inc. and Mr. Jahangir for their understanding about the ailment and his clear prognosis and commitments. We will continue out child’s treatment as long as it is necessary.

About NSFA Global

In NSFA, We Believe That Modern Medical Science Shall Bring Out The Breakthrough One Day. Our mission is to educate people, spread awareness about ASD, and treat children with our scientific research-based Homeopathic methodologies.

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