The ASD characteristics of Boy HU_J

Boy HU_J- Improvement/Recovery story

NSFA REF: GP_0023/NY2017

Key statement from the Parent: “Within 2 cycles of treatment our boy became cognitively more conscious. Still he has many issues on, but Boy HU_J has gained much in his learning abilities. The school told us to find better source and scope of learning for him…..”. This was unthinkable one year ago….

The ASD characteristics of Boy HU_J

Boy HU_J was residing in New York, with his parents and one younger siblings. The youngers sibling was also diagnosed with severe ASD child. Boy HU_J was about 13.5 years old. The parents came in touch with NSFA consultant in early 2017.

The Boy HU_J had following PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) features.

  • Limited words (a few only), discrete, not coherent
  • Not being able to carry meaningful communication
  • Poor eye contact
  • Imperfect locomotor capabilities
  • Drawing pictures were challenges
  • Instruction taking was not reflective of what’s being asked to do – lacking cognitive elements
  • Poor social skills
  • Very little number sense
  • Was not focussed at classes and group works
  • One good aspect – had very good emotion for the younger sibling who was also an ASD boyas not focussed at classes and group works

NSFA consultant explained the treatment process and made it sure that the parents understand the process, struggle, and maintenance of continuity of treatment. The parents agreed to undertake a long-term treatment process.


After couple of intake interviews with the parents and observing the Boy HU_J a constitutional plan was structured. They were observed at their home, and at their relative’s places. An administration plan was developed. It was stated that the child will require several years (at least 3.0 years) to get to an optimum level of recovery through NSFA treatments. This boy was over 5 years of age! The parents agreed.


Boy HU_J began to recover within 6th month of the treatment.

Significant development features were:

  • Detoxification, successful as the did not regress any more, he moved forward
  • Vocal functions were enhanced, with rise in more words by 12 Months
  • The Boy HU_J started giving good complete sentences (18th Month)
  • He took clear instructions from NSFA consultant by 18 Months, could describe the day.
  • School send very positive reports and asked to send them to a different enhanced school
  • Numeracy was improved quite a bit. Boy HUM_B Started using calculator by 20 Months treatment
  • Attention levels improved much
  • Social skills improved

ConclusionsBoy HU_J progressed in terms of vocabulary, Instruction taking, Eye contact, and captured interesting common-sense intelligent behaviour. He has improved significantly. In certain areas, parents reported up to 90% recovery.

Challenges remains:

  • Getting across age appropriate studies
  • Modifying negative behaviours and
  • adapting to new social situations.

NSFA thanks the Dad for giving the opportunity to treat Boy HU_J

Parental References/ communication (emails) and Developmental communication form/ Milestones: This report was provided by Dad at 17th Month of the treatment. Parents continued for 5 cycles and they expressed their satisfaction.

NSFA Statement: The Parents of this Baby boy has provided us a reference, which is NOT published here (due to ethical reasons). Readers are requested to study the case. Thanks for the understanding.

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In NSFA, We Believe That Modern Medical Science Shall Bring Out The Breakthrough One Day. Our mission is to educate people, spread awareness about ASD, and treat children with our scientific research-based Homeopathic methodologies.

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