The PDD characteristics of Baby Boy FI_A

Baby Boy FI_A

NSFA REF: GP_0032_UK_ 2012

The ASD characteristics of Baby Boy FI_A

Baby Boy FI_A was from London, UK. The parents learned from a parent that an Autism consultant from NSFA Global, Saskatoon, Canada will be visiting London, soon. They contacted the NSFA consultant. Baby Baby Boy FI_A was at 4 years 4 months.

Baby Boy FI_A had following ASD syndromes

  • No responses when called by name
  • Little common senses
  • Very few unclear words and degenerating with time
  • Weak locomotor capabilities
  • Had inconsistent eye contact
  • Lacks realization
  • Lacked imitating capabilities
  • Poor social skills


Observing the Baby Boy FI_A, and interviewing the Mom and Dad, a constitutional framework was developed. A remedy administration plan was formulated. NSFA consultant predicted that if everything goes well, Baby Boy FI_A will get better by 3-4 cycles.


Parents administered the remedies methodically. They called in between as they had questions regarding remedy administration. Baby Boy FI_A began to recover within 4th month of the treatment.

Significant development features were:

  • Detoxification was successful (With in First six months Baby Boy FI_A made progresses)
  • Eye contact improved
  • Vocabulary got improved. Baby Boy FI_A started giving words
  • Started taking instructions from teachers
  • Started getting engaged with games

ConclusionsBaby Boy FI_A progressed in terms of vocabulary, Instruction taking, Eye contact, and captured common sense and intelligent behaviour, could relate to objects and emotions etc. The Parent were happy. They discontinued treatment due to personal reasons.

NSFA Global’s consultant met Parents and Boy FI_A 2018’s Bengali new years celebrations in London, UK. Baby Boy FI_A was talking and acted like atypical boy but had some deficits.

NSFA Consultants thanked the Mom and Dad of Baby Boy FI_A for giving the opportunity to treat Baby Boy FI_A

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In NSFA, We Believe That Modern Medical Science Shall Bring Out The Breakthrough One Day. Our mission is to educate people, spread awareness about ASD, and treat children with our scientific research-based Homeopathic methodologies.

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