Classical Homeopathy and its understanding of the role of vital forces balance in homeopathic cure: some pertinent hypotheses

Mohammad Jahangir MBA (AMBA Accrd., Middlesex Univ.; UK), CBH (cert. in homeopathy, Australia), Dip. in Nutrition (Sch. Of Health -SOH, Gloucestershire; UK), Dip in A&PH (SOH, Glost, UK), P&DH (SOH, Glos.; UK), C.H.R (refreshers, (COH, Canada).

The vital force is what makes flesh, blood, bones, cytoplasm, mitochondria, golgi bodies, DNA, and RNA work together to form a life, and its complex but onward continuity. The vital force is energy, an invisible energy that gives the person his or her own unique qualities and their drive to live, lead, and thrive on.

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